Students who are applying to your university are using the internet to help them find the best institution for their needs. This means that, when they visit your university website, they are there with the intention of finding information to help them choose an education institution. Ideally, you should have pages dedicated to the information that is searched for the most, but if you are not sure what this information is, this can be tricky to achieve. 

When you are designing your university website there are important pages to keep in mind. You might feel as though your website is full of information, but there is likely something missing that you have not thought about. Some of the most important pages to have on your university website include Faculty Information pages, Student Life pages, as well as pages containing alumni profiles. Not sure what pages your university website should have? In this article, we give some ideas. 


Faculty Information


One of the most important sets of pages to have on your university website is the Faculty Information page. When students are looking for a university, they usually want to find out about the faculty that might be lecturing them, including their achievements, research interests, and what they are like as a person. 

This page is especially helpful for graduates who are continuing with a postgraduate degree, as they will be working with these faculty members closely. If you have particularly notable faculty members, such as those who have won national or international awards, you could dedicate an entire page to their profile on your university website. Showcasing the achievements of your faculty members is a sure-fire way to encourage students to apply. 


Blog Page


Now, you might not think that a blog page is not necessary for a university website but it can help to encourage traffic to your website from potential students. On this page, you can have informative articles for students, such as what to expect from university life, or you can have FAQs to answer burning questions students might have. 

A blog page should be a continuous operation on your university website. Your blog should captivate students and encourage more engagement. A university is, after all, a place for further education, and including this blog page will help to provide extra information to students. You could also ask graduates to write articles about their experiences to help new applicants. 


Clubs And Organisations Page


Many university students look to clubs and organisations to help them find like-minded people and make friends. Having a page for clubs and organisations on your university website will showcase the various activities, showing students that they will fit in when attending your institution. When covering these organisations and clubs, be sure to include important contact information for each one. 

Be sure to have easy-to-understand write-ups about the various clubs and organisations, so that students know exactly what each one offers. This page can serve as an impressive pull for website traffic and potential applicants, as university students are likely to want to grow their social circles and interests. Keep this page up-to-date, especially if venues and details of these activities change. 


Clearly Defined Contact Pages


One aspect that can be lacking from many university websites is a clearly defined contact page. While you might have details for various staff and faculty members, having one general number and email address for potential students to use can help to make the contact and application process easier and more efficient. 

Your contact pages for each department should be easy to find and navigate, as new students might not know exactly what to provide when applying to university. You could also have a form on this page that collects student information and makes it easier for administrative staff to contact them and answer any questions.


Alumni Profiles


Many prospective students would like to figure out what they are able to, and like to, do once they have graduated. By providing alumni profiles to students, they can better see what their possible future is, and it will also encourage more engagement on your university website. It can also be a deciding factor in the choice they make on which institution to attend. 

Showcasing the achievements of your alumni can help to improve the likelihood of applicants choosing your institution, as they can see who has graduated from your university and what successes they have had. Provide interviews as well as images of the alumni to make it easier for students to find the information they need. 


Encouraging Further Learning


A university website should help to encourage students to apply and take the first step towards a brighter future. Provide important faculty information, as well as information about the various clubs and organisations. Have a blog page and alumni information to encourage more engagement on your website, and always have clearly-defined contact pages. 

If your university website needs some sprucing up, speak to Edumedia today to find out what we can offer you. 

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