Project Name:


Innovus is Stellenbosch University’s university-industry interaction platform for the commercialisation of SU’s assets. Innovus is responsible for the university’s commercial activities. This is not limited to the commercialisation of the University’s innovation and intellectual property portfolio through patenting, licensing and the formation of spin-out companies, but Innovus is also mandated to manage SU’s fifth income stream i.e income from commercialisation activities through its SUNCOM division.

The Challenge

Innovus is Stellenbosch University’s university-industry interaction platform. It helps to improve and maintain the university’s commercial and innovation activities. They approached NetMechanic in need of a bespoke, responsive website to communicate their goals.

We were able to rebuild the entire website on our own custom CMS system that allowed the Innovus staff to manage their content. We also implemented Google Analytics to help monitor the performance of the website.

The Solution

Custom CMS, UX Research, UX Design, Custom Template was developed for desktop, mobile and tab devices, Multilingual Functionality using our powerful multilingual component, English and Afrikaans content population, We developed custom content types for the following in order for staff to add new items, Spin-off Companies, Technologies, News, Success Stories, Social Sharing, We also designed an animated infographic which is hosted on a subdomain. Click here to view the infographic, Hosting, Google Analytics, Sitemap Submissions and consolidating all Social channels and Analytics details into one account.


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