How To Use Facebook For Your School

How To Use Facebook For Your School

Everywhere we look today, there are new social media channels popping up – some with more merit than others, some which might die out as a fad. But there is one which has remained strong since its early beginnings, and that is Facebook. Despite the whispering...
Online Classroom Etiquette Tips And Tricks

Online Classroom Etiquette Tips And Tricks

Schools are going online more often these days, and not just to make up for lost time during a world crisis such as the Covid-19 pandemic. Educators and school managers alike are being asked to become creative with their teaching methods, which has led to the creation...
School Website Design Trends For 2020

School Website Design Trends For 2020

Having a well-designed school website is the perfect way to show potential and current students who you are as an institution. However, if your website is not updated on a regular basis, you run the risk of looking and feeling out-of-date, which could be detrimental...
Why Your School Needs Inbound Marketing

Why Your School Needs Inbound Marketing

Today’s parents rely increasingly on the internet and online resources to help them make decisions, and this extends to the schools they might choose for their children. They are likely searching for terms such as, “best independent schools in Cape Town” or “best...
Pages Every University Website Needs

Pages Every University Website Needs

Students who are applying to your university are using the internet to help them find the best institution for their needs. This means that, when they visit your university website, they are there with the intention of finding information to help them choose an...